Saturday, May 19, 2007

Good Times

Some of the best things in life can actually be free...(unless you figure in the gas to drive somewhere and the cost of food at a restaurant) but hey that's not what im talkin about. Tonight me and my best friend Randy went and sat around outside at AU and played guitar and shared stories from this school year. He just got back from MTSU which is right outside of Nashville not too long ago and tonight was the first time we've hung out. So therefore it was a good night, and the whole music thing costed me nothing.

In other news, I went to my old high school's graduation yesterday and I must say as usual it was redneck city. Although I was proud of my boy Will for graduating, and seeing some other people I was glad to see it honestly wasn't that great. Do I ever want to go back to high school? No, because college is way better.

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