Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The 5 yr anniversary for Danny (see blog below) has somehow been harder than the others. I honestly don't know, I tried going to the grave for the first time since the funeral, but when I drove by I just kept on driving. I couldn't bring myself to go in there, either I guess because 1) Danny isn't there, but in Heaven or 2) Because I just don't want to face the reality that I know is there, that his earthly body is lying underground and I will never see him on this earth again. Granted I did not want Danny to suffer with his cancer anymore, it was killing him and I'm glad God called him home when he did. Watching Danny suffer was a hard hard thing. I honestly don't know how much longer I could watch or how much more he could take.

I still don't understand why God had to take Danny, but it somehow gave God glory and He had a reason for it. It is not up to me to question why (although I often do and it is not wrong) but I need to trust God and have faith in God and His divine will for this situation and for life in general. Danny will never leave my thoughts as long as I walk this earth, but I know i will see him again.

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