Monday, April 30, 2007

One More to Go

Just got back from my english exam, and I must say I believe I just kicked it in the balls. I feel like i did really well on it, which means there is only one exam left! Math tomorrow then im done for this school year, this should be fun. I am also now bookng summer shows, if you want to book me let me know via or facebook look up eli rhodes or even morgan.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Getting There

Almost done for the semester. Kind of excited about having free time to write new music and chill, but I've gotta get a job and make some extra cash. I mean I'm not complaining, just making a true statement. O well, life is good and exams are almost over, just Monday and tuesday to go. Hopefully new shows will be coming your way soon too!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Exam Time

Exam week...actually kinda relaxing compared to last week, o well....summer is well on it's way. Gonna be a good one lol.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I had my final guitar ensemble performance of the semester...tear. Now I have my jury left, which has got me a tad nervous but I'll pull through. After coming back from a successful trip to wok n roll with my three favorite dudes on the hall I started working on my research paper, all that is left is to type it thank God! In other news The Used has a new single/video out for a song called "The Bird and The Worm" I highly recommend checking it out. I've always liked The Used but never really got into them that much but this song is great, i love the loops going on. Check it out, you'll enjoy it.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Does Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight = Balls or Just Utter Stupidity?

If you get caught up in a situation where you are certainly outmatched, why try and stand to fight. Why don't you get out of the way before getting shot? I'm not saying just give up, but just play smart. We are supposed to be brave creatures but part of being brave is also being smart and choosing our battles and when to fight them wisely. You wouldn't just run balls to the wall in front of a loaded cannon screaming "Shoot!" Have a little tact and use a little of your God-Given wisdom instead of being so stinkin stupid.
In other news school is winding down so that means the work is winding up. So it's been a tad more stressful than normal, but then again it isn't supposed to be a walk in the park affair. I normally don't do this but I have two recommendations of hardcore bands to listen I'm not the biggest fan of hardcore and these bands are in the all-time greats list to many hardcore fans, but I just wanna say that Between the Buried and Me and Norma Jean are soooo freaking good. If you want good hardcore you can't go wrong there. Btw me and my dad have a floor seats to see Lynyrd Skynyrd and Hank Williams Jr. in June. Who's excited????? this guy is!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Something New

Before this blog I must say...someone on another blog commented saying I have a short fuse during my previous post. I kind of laughed b/c this person really doesn't know me and doesn't realize my situation. I have been holding the feelings in I have right now for a long time and I'm just now making them public. You may say that is unbiblical not telling someone you are angry with them, well you are right. But the Bible also says in James 1:19 "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." So I am just evaluting my current situation because I don't want to say something I will regret. I have no grudge, I just want to do what's right.

Now, anyway I can't wait til this semester is over because it means I will have more time to devote to writing new songs. So anyone who actually listens and looks for new tunes be patient because they are on the way, I have a few ideas in my head right now that i can't wait to put down and record until then keep in tune and lookout lol.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Don't Know

Used, abandoned, and taken advantage of. This is how I feel. Can I just disappear and get away from life for a while? I feel trapped inside an unbreakable bubble that is holding me down. Maybe it is time for a change, I don't know. I mean I love college and I want to stay here but other aspects of my life seem to be what hold me down. I just don't know anymore, I really don't. Getting away would do me good....maybe I'll disappear for a few days.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Free Pizza=An Amazing Night

So if you go to Barley's and get an entire tray of water spilled on your back apparently you get a free t-shirt and free pizza. That made to the G-Vegas trip even sweeter than normal. I love gettin to go chill with the boys.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Crazy Fridays

Last night was fun, I went with Josh and Charlie from Restless to Clemson. They had a Relay for Life event to play there before our gig that night at Familar Grounds so I just tagged along. When we got to Relay the band before them cancelled so somehow i ended up getting a slot at Relay. So after that gig we went and played at Familar Grounds...good shows and good times, I had fun doing it and now I must book new shows. Stay tuned for updates on all that stuff.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weather and Stormy Thoughts of the Modern Christian

Wow it's nasty outside today. I know it's so much harder to get up for theory when the weather is this way, but gotta do it. I also wonder why certain people get mad and put down other Christians for hanging out with non-Christians. What is so wrong with having lost friends? Jesus hung out with bad people and outcasts alot.....let me clarify that he never supported their lifestyle and never got involoved with it, but Jesus loved them and showed them love none the less. Who are we to think we are better and are excluded from loving lost people? We aren't some premeire club that once you're in it you can stop talking to lost people, always listen to christian radio, and read your Bible 17 times a day. If you do that you are being arrogant and telling people to go to hell with your actions. Remember actions speak louder than words.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hiatus is Over

Im back...I've honestly just been blog lazy for the last month or so, but I'm back now. Life has been ok, just trying to get through this semester at AU. Ive played some shows lately, I have another one this weekend at Familar Grounds in Clemson (9pm Friday night) you should come out. Ive been working on new material and just having a ball when I play my acoustic onstage lol. Maybe soon enough I'll hook up with the right ppl and some full band stuff will come your way. O well, you can check me out on the wide world of virb It's cool stuff, be on the lookout for new stuff comin your way. Be good God Bless