Wednesday, December 05, 2007

How I Feel (Don't Care if this is Read or Not)

Often I struggle with being arrogant and getting a big head over my music. Then I listen to something like "O" by: Damien Rice, which is an acoustic musical masterpiece and I realize, you know in the big scheme of things I am not that great. You know what.....I don't care anymore. Music is expression and a passion of mine, when it touches someone that's amazing. But my music is my outlet to the world and a gift given to me by God. I am thankful everyday to do this and even go to school for it.

So if I never make a cent playing in a crowded bar where no one cares I will still play. In August Rush the boy says "I love music more than food." To be a great musician it takes sacrifice. Just like being a great Christian, you will probally have to say bye to things you never want to but in the end the end result will be so much greater than if you held onto those things hindering you. I pray almost every night to God....."Make me less, and you more." Even in music I write that isn't neccessarily Christian I want God to be evident in it somehow.......I do what God has designed me to do and I wll try my hardest and do my best to glorify him with it.

If you are a musician don't get too caught up on yourself or your image.........because it can be gone quicker than you can blink. You may think you incredible, but really you probally are not. If you on a major label you have some room to brag b/c now a days not just anyone can make it on a major label as a singer/sogwriter. And I commend you for being good enough to make it and thank you for keeping me in check by being so much better than me.

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