Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What the World Will Never Take

The one thing the world can never take away is your salvation. When you are truly saved and enter a relationship with Christ nothing can change the fact that when you die you will spend eternity in heaven with God. No matter how far you stray away from Christ he is always there to greet you with open arms when you come back home to him. Just like in the story of the of the prodical son, this son made his father give him his inheritance early. When he did the son went and blew it all on the world, he got to the point where he was eating with pigs. But when he came back home his father greeted him with open arms, and gave his son more the he had lost in the first place. When we feel like God has abandoned us, he hasnt God is just waiting on you to come home, sometimes it takes you falling flat on your face to realize you cannot do life without God. But God is always there to pick us up when we fall. It's a beautiful thing that a perfect God would love imperfect beings and want to have a relationship with us even when we don' t deserve it. That is why we praise Him.

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