Saturday, January 19, 2008

The 26th

Ecity the 26th

I hope everyone comes out to Ecity Java on January 26th to the show......not because I'm playing, because in the grand scheme of things am I really that important? No.....but you should come check out local talented singer/songwriters. Of course Wes will be taking the stage along with a lady named Chelsey Ashford(please forgive spelling) who is an awesome talent. Both are top friends on my page.

I would love for alot of people to come out to also hear me play 3 brand new songs! Maybe 4 by this weekend haha, well if its there its there. One of the songs has been played once live, but the second verse wasnt completed so now the song is completely ready to go along with 2 others (not to mention a new cover or two).

This has been a great month or so of self-reflection and time for to think about things that have happened to me and also how I feel about the world and the condition of its people. I am hoping for a large crowd, because it is going to be a fun filled night of music and hangout time. By the way I cant thank people enough for coming to site and listening to the music as much and as often as you do, it really really means alot! thanks!

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