Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ecity 1-26-08

Tonight's show went well........not the biggest crowd ever, but it was a good crowd none the less....people that were there were there for music. And they got great music from both Chelsey and Wes....kudos to those guys for being incredible. Im not saying they're weren't alot of ppl there bc it was pretty crowded and it honestly is not about the numbers, so I was more than pleased.....thank you to each and everyone of you for sticking around and listening that meant alot to me and I'm sure Chelsey and Wes feel the same.

As always hanging out afterwards with Nick and Wes was a blast. Thanks guys for being good people. I honestly felt better vocally tonight than I have in a very very long time.......thats very exciting for me, but thats enough about me......great show.

And again THANK YOU to everyone who showed up, you are what made it a good show!

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