Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day (A time to desecrate our bodies)

Yesterday was quite eventful. Me and Merritt went to empire to get more ink, I got the bird on the cover of the new Bayside CD on the inside of my bicep. My reasoning for this was, the title of the album is "The Walking Wounded". This to me means that even though I may not be perfect I am still alive and as long as I am God has a purpose for me to fufill. So like the wounded bird he has hope and knows his purpose is not to be nothing...I am the same way, wounded and imperfect before God but he still loves me and uses me.
And on the way back home Hoyt, Chris, and I saw an old man riding a unicycle in the Ingles parking lot. That was truly an amazing thing to see after being in NC all day. The trip was fun but kinda sad b/c Wylie Perry is moving to New York...so that was the last time he would desecrate my body in the south. Hopefully it isn't the last one I ever get from him.

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